mission campus
Traditional Worship
Come experience God through hymn singing and listening to the word while engaging today’s world through sermons and prayer. Traditional liturgical worship is offered in the Mission Campus sanctuary at 9 and 11 a.m. Sundays. The sacrament of communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. Child care and Children’s Sunday School (Lighthouse) are offered at the 9 a.m. service.

the gathering
Alternative Worship
The Gathering is an imaginative, contemporary, more casual style of worship led by our amazing Gathering band, featuring modern arrangements of traditional hymns and original songs, prayer, scripture reading, a sermon and communion. Words to the music are on the screen. Feel free to sing as much as you feel comfortable. This service takes place in Friendship Hall and lasts about an hour and 15 minutes. Child care is offered for children up to age 5.
Pastors and Staff
Mission Campus has two main parking lots: north side (Sanctuary) and south side (Friendship Hall). Overflow parking is also available at Prairie School, directly across the street.
Village Church is completely wheelchair accessible. If you are dropping someone off for Sanctuary worship, pull up to the portico on the north side of the building. An elevator is located on the entry level that opens directly into the Sanctuary. If you are dropping someone off for The Gathering service, pull up to the south entrance and the elevator will take you to the 2nd Floor (Friendship Hall).