Young Adults
Welcome to the Young Adult Ministry of Village Presbyterian Church! All 20s and 30s are invited into this community. And when we say “all,” that’s what we mean. We are an open and affirming community that believes love is for all and all are loved by God. Take a look around. Connect with us, ask questions, jump in to whatever looks good. We’re so glad you’re here.

Young Adult Space
Besides being the place where Young Adults meet for events and gatherings at Mission Campus, the young adult space is also open to you as a place for community building. Need a place to have (free!) coffee with a friend, work remotely, create something, or a quiet place for self-reflection? Come by any time the building is open. To find the Young Adult Room at Mission Campus, enter through the North doors and go down the stairs.
Planning to get married at Village? We’d love to help.

Contact Us
If you have any questions, please reach out to our young adult ministry team at the email link. You are welcome anytime!