faith formation
Adult Ministry
At Village, adult formation is a lifelong process of growing in faith and community, deepening our relationship with Jesus Christ and Christ’s body, the Church. A key element of the faith formation process is nurturing interest in community and pursuing greater understanding of the Bible and Christian tradition. Village Church offers a variety of continuing and short-term opportunities to grow our knowledge, in small groups and larger class settings.
Small Group Ministries
Village Connect groups are small groups of adults who meet once a month to share their lives with one another and to study a passage of scripture from the Bible. Some groups meet in homes while others meet at the church. Each gathering invites group members to build relationships with one another and to grow in their faith and faithfulness.
Adult Sunday Morning Classes
Join us on Sunday mornings at both worship locations and online for lively, vibrant discussion-based classes for adults. Classes typically run September through May.
The Faith Journey (Mission)
10:10-10:50 a.m., Room 124, Mission Campus. The Faith Journey class welcomes adults of all ages as we share our respective journeys through book studies, guest speakers and videos to explore new perspectives and examine our own beliefs on a variety of topics including contemporary issues, theology and Bible studies. Facilitated by Kathy Ray.
Village Forum (Mission)
9:30-10:30 a.m., Rooms 126/127, Mission Campus. Village Forum is an ongoing Sunday morning class where participants share ideas and views on theological, social, spiritual and historical topics. Classes are led by class members, outside speakers and Village staff. We enjoy growing together through discussion, social events and the women’s book club. Facilitated by Jim Gibson and Rev. Jay McKell.
Adult Sunday Morning Class (Antioch)
10:45-11:30 a.m., lower level multipurpose room, Antioch Campus. Rev. Anna Owens facilitates several short series on different topics.
Foundations of Faith (Online)
11 a.m.-noon, online only (see below for Zoom info). Foundations of Faith journeys through history to discover the roots of our faith. Combining archeology, science and art into studies into the foundation of our faith, Rev. Dwight Tawney leads the class on through time. We are tackling the ways physical words on clay tablets, carved stone and the printed word influence what we believe. Facilitated by Diann Markley.
Join on Zoom. Meeting ID: 836 9076 8869, Passcode: 926588

rev. dr. robert f. meneilly
Visiting Scholar
The Meneilly Visiting Scholar program brings biblical scholars and theologians to Village Church for a community-focused weekend of presentations and conversation about modern topics that matter. Our Meneilly Scholars challenge us with fresh and innovative, yet well supported perspectives on theological topics; increase our understanding of the wisdom of the past; and engage us to honor and faithfully serve the God we worship and upon whom we rely.

Contact Adult Faith Formation
Questions or ideas? For more information about adult ministries at Village Church, contact the interim senior associate pastor, Rev. Chad Herring.