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prairie village

Mission Campus

Facility Hours
8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.

6641 Mission Road

​Prairie Village, KS 66208

mission campus

Preschool Overview

Welcome to the Village Church Preschool at Mission Campus. We are a NAEYC accredited preschool guided by the HighScope curriculum and taught by Early Childhood Education/Elementary Education degreed professionals in every classroom.  Our quality programming began in 1975 and continues today, serving second-generation students!

We are committed to meeting each child where they are in their development. We strive to provide an atmosphere where each child feels safe and able to learn skills at their own rate. We acknowledge that you, the parents, are the child’s first and most significant teachers and seek to build upon the foundation you have laid.

Village Church Preschool Information

Watch the Prospective Family presentation for more information about our preschool program. Have more questions or interested in scheduling a tour? Fill out the inquiry form below and we’ll be in touch.

More About Our Programs

HighScope Curriculum

Our HighScope, play-based curriculum fosters engagement, development, and inquiry to encourage a lifelong love of learning.  Guided by a belief in a caring, supportive, safe environment, we provide students with a broad range of educational opportunities to promote an early start for school success and to enrich each child’s social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and creative abilities.

Learn more about HighScope

Creations by Kids

Classrooms regularly participate in the Creations by Kids art program, developed by longtime preschool staff Debbie Smith. CBK uses the “process art” approach, where children explore freely with art materials without worrying about correctness or imitation. Each child’s creation is valued as unique and exciting. The program also enhances children’s language skills through discussions on shape, size, color, and texture. It extends art learning with open-ended questions and conversations about various artists and their styles.

Music is Fun

In addition to the music the children experience daily in the classroom, our music teacher Mary Van Thullenar visits each class once a month. She follows the key experiences in the HighScope music guidelines, including:

  • moving to music
  • exploring and identifying sounds
  • exploring the singing voice
  • exploring musical instruments
  • singing songs
Movement is Fun

The Movement Is Fun (MIF) program, designed by Young & Keplinger for preschools, focuses on enhancing children’s natural growth and development through movement exploration and sensory integration. It teaches children about body movement, muscle function, and the ability to plan and execute movements. Each child engages in the program twice monthly throughout the school year. Minimal equipment is used in order to encourage concentration on bodily movements rather than machinery. Mary Van Thullenar facilitates the MIF sessions.

Kids Day Out or Preschool?

3-year-olds are eligible to attend either Kids Day Out or Village Preschool at Mission Campus. See below for help discerning which program is right for your family.

Kids Day OutPreschool
2 and 3-year-oldsMust be 3 by Sept. 1
Potty training not requiredMust be fully potty trained (including no pull-ups)
Day runs from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.Day runs from 8:45-11:45 a.m. (half day) or 8:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m. (full day)
Nap time built into the day (children nap on cots for approx. 1 hour)Quiet time for approx. 20 minutes (no nap)
Social and emotional focused dayGuided by HighScope curriculum
Play basedPlay based
Enrollment GroupEnrollment Begins
Current Village Preschool families8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025
Current Village Kids Day Out families and Village Church members8:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025
Former Village Preschool families8:30 a.m. Friday, Jan. 24, 2025
Community Open Enrollment8:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 27, 2025

Preschool Staff

Sarah McKee




Lisa Wright

Associate Director

