Social Justice

Social Justice Advocacy
Social Justice advocacy at Village is deeply rooted in Christian principles and aims to promote God’s peace and justice in various spheres. Through initiatives like Village for Gun Sense, the Building Beloved Community committee and pilgrimages to important historical and educational sites, Village actively addresses societal challenges while promoting compassionate community engagement and education on issues of social justice.

Good Faith Network
Village is proud to be a member of the Good Faith Network, an interfaith justice organization composed of more than 25 congregations across three faith traditions in Johnson County, Kansas with a mission of pursuing justice around our community’s most pressing problems.

Matthew 25 Congregation
Village Church is recognized as a Matthew 25 Congregation by the Presbyterian Church (USA). We have joined over 1,100 other congregations worldwide in this movement that centers on these three focus areas: building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty. This work is a direct response to the good news of Jesus and a faithful expression of what it means to be Christ’s disciples in this time and place.
Faith in Action

Join Us
Attend a meeting of the Social Justice Committee and see what we’re all about. We typically meet on the first Tuesday of each month at Mission Campus. Contact us at the email address below for questions and more information.