Presbyterian Women
PW Groups
There are many ways to find your people within PW. Click the dropdowns to learn more about small groups you can join.
Circles are the “small groups” of Presbyterian Women who join together for Bible study, fellowship and fun. While there are hundreds of women at Village Church, it’s easier to get to know each other in smaller communities. Circles typically meet September to May, and meet at Mission Campus, Antioch Campus, Lakeview Village Retirement Community, and at members’ homes. Contact Carol Solenberger to get connected with the circle that best fits your schedule and location.
Mission Sewing
9:30 a.m. Tuesdays or Thursdays, Mission Campus Sewing Room (Room 15). Help sew, crochet, knit, cut and glue handmade items for foster care agencies, hospitals, rehab centers and more.
Alive Now Bible Study
Mission Campus. We share our life journeys through reading scripture and other literature that strengthens our faith. Contact Judy Cooper.
Page Turners Book Club
Mission Campus. Page Turners is a book club where members enjoy sharing views about books and are interested in reading on a wide variety of topics. Visitors are always welcome, and the group is especially glad to welcome new members. Contact Barbara Lee.
Amazing Graces
Mission Campus. A social group of mid-life women who share yoga classes, a book club and dinner get-togethers. We also put on two or three seasonal events each year where we provide appetizers and wine. Our primary purpose is fellowship and socialization. Contact Kay Findlay.
Ladies Who Dine
6 p.m. fourth Mondays, Panera Bread, 135th & Metcalf. Ladies Who Dine meet for dinner and chatting about life, travel, catching up and fun. We meet year-round because we genuinely don’t want to cook once a month. No reservation required. Just join us for lots of laughter.
Contact PW
Contact our Presbyterian Women Staff liason, Carol Solenberger, at the email link below. She can help you get connected with a circle, find a volunteer group to get involved in and more. Please contact Carol if you would like to request a copy of our annual directory.