Poinsettia Ministry
Donate a Poinsettia
Honor a loved one and fund this ministry with a $15 donation towards a poinsettia plant. Your loved one(s)’s name(s) will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletin (please include one name per donation). Donate online or send the name(s) with a check ($15/person) to Karen Reimer, Village Church, 6641 Mission Rd., Prairie Village, KS 66208 by Dec. 6. Important: After you donate a poinsettia, please submit your loved ones’ names here.
Help Deliver Poinsettias
An annual Village tradition is delivering the donated poinsettias to our homebound members. Sign up to deliver throughout the metro area—you choose where and how many to deliver on Sat., Dec. 7. Email Linda Alley to sign up (or call 913-671-2327).