Congratulations, Dr. Jan Kraybill!

Jan Kraybill, organist at the Village Church Antioch Campus, will be honored as a Fellow of The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada for outstanding leadership and significant contributions in encouraging, promoting and enlivening congregational song. Jan will be recognized July 17 during the organization’s Annual Conference in Atlanta. Being a Fellow is the highest honor The Hymn Society can confer. Jan served as executive director of The Hymn Society from 2017 to 2018. She is well known as a concert organist and pianist, but she is also an enthusiastic and tireless advocate for and leader of church music and congregational song.
Rev. Anna Owens, site pastor at the Antioch Campus, said, “I am continually amazed by the profound privilege I have to work alongside Jan Kraybill. The thoughtfulness, intentionally and deep personal faith she brings to her music leadership add so much to our worship life. Jan is so loved by the community at Village on Antioch, and we are extremely proud (and not at all surprised) that she has been chosen as one of the newest Fellows of the Hymn Society.”
Dr. Elisa Bickers shared, “Jan’s dedication to the artistry of hymn-singing is exceptional. This honor is well-deserved because she has inspired so many to lift their voices in Christian praise!”